Dua To Remove Obstacles In Marriage


Those who want to marry their lover and ate facing objections from their family and relatives regarding their love marriage should read dua to remove obstacles in marriage. This powerful dua will help you convince your parents to the marriage and help narrow down the list of reasons they are using to deny the marriage. The dua for marriage in the Quran is not only effective for the people who wish to marry the love of their life but also helps in removing the obstacles from its path.

Things To Remember While Performing The Duas For Removing Obstacles In Marriage

  • Always remember to perform wudu (ablution) to clean yourself for the prayer.  
  • Wudu is necessary because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in Sunaan Nisai (148): Whoever performs wuzu and does it well, then says the Shahada sincerely, the eight doors of Paradise will be opened for him.”  
  • Pick a clean place away from all the noise and distractions. Then, sit on your prayer mat while facing the Qibla. Then recite this dua: “Indeed, Allah is pure, and He loves purity.” 
  • Recite this dua with complete faith in Allah’s ability to solve the problems that you are facing in your marriage.  
  • No woman who is in her periods can perform this dua.  

How To Make Dua To Remove Obstacles In Marriage for Allah’s assistance?

Follow this ritual to read the dua to remove obstacles in marriage:

  1. Make wuzu to clean yourself spiritually and sit on the prayer mat.
  2. Now read, “Ya Allahu , Ya Fattahu” 303 times.
  3. After this read Rabbi Inn Lima anzalta dua 11 times and pray for your marriage.
  4. If you wish to get married to your lover make sure you visualize their face while reading the dua for marriages in Quran.

Dua To Remove Obstacles In Marriage

Keep reading the dua to remove obstacles in marriage for 15 days and you will get results very soon. Your parents will agree to the marriage and your marriage will take place without any fuss. Make sure you perform nikah istikhara before reading the dua for marriages.

What is the effective Dua to Remove Marriage Blockage In Life?

  • Make ablution after an obligatory prayer.
  • Now read, Surah al Ahzaab (chapter 33) 11 times and Surah At Taha (chapter 20) Five times.
  • After this read, “Sahlam Bi Fadhlika Yaa “Azeez” 100 times and pray to Allah for your marriage.
  • End the ritual by reading Surah Yasin once.

Keep up with the ritual of the dua for marriage blockage in life for 41 days. While praying to Allah for removing obstacles of marriage keep in mind the person you want to marry. Hold the vision of their face with love and gratitude and thank Allah for everything.

Do not stress about the delay in the marriage, read the Ya Fattahu dua given below:

“wala tamuddanna aynaykaelaa maamattanaa behiazwaajam minhumzahratal hayaatiddunyaa lenaftenahum feehewarizqo rabbekakhayruwn waabqaa waamurahlaka bissalaate wastabir alayhaa laa nasalokarizqaa nahnonarzoqok walaaqebatolittaqwaa”

  • Read the dua 1100 times after any obligatory prayer.
  • Follow the ritual given above as instructed and you will soon be hearing good news regarding your marriage.
  • Remember to hold the vision of the life partner and pray will utmost belief in Allah.

This Islamic Ya Fattahu dua for marriage is removes the obstacles that might be causing the delay in the marriage. If you have someone special with whom you want to spend your life, you must first do the nikah Istikhara. In case you see positive istikhara signs, read the dua about marriage to make them fall in love.

Also Read: 

Dua for Marriage

How to Perform Wazifa To Remove Obstacles In Marriage?

Are your parents getting worried about your delayed marriage? If they worry because you’re getting older every day, there is a prayer that will help reduce their worries.  

If you are not getting proposals for marriage, you must try the wazifa to remove obstacles in marriage. It is a powerful Surah Al-Fatiha’s prayer for removing obstacles in marriage. It is one of the best prayers that will remove the obstacles you are facing while getting married. 

To perform the wazifa to remove obstacles in marriage, follow these steps:  

“Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astagheeth” 

  • Perform wudu, sit in a clean place.  
  • Chant the verse written above 121 times.  
  • Blow into your palms after the recitations and lightly rub them over your face. 

If you have any questions about performing the dua for removing obstacles in marriage, contact our Islamic scholar. 

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