Best Surah For Love Back


Finding true love is crucial for anyone seeking companionship. For many, the dream is to find love and spend their entire life with a loving partner. However, most people are unaware of the surah for love that can help them achieve this dream. In this guide, we will discuss the surahs about love that will help you in all your relationship problems

The Surah Fil for love s a powerful halal prayer designed to help people find true love. At some point, everyone feels the need for a life companion. Those who seek love should recite this powerful Islamic Surah Al Feel sincerely.

By reading the surah for love with sincerity, one can fulfill the need to find love. Individuals who wish to marry the person they love might want to know which surah to read for love marriage. Understanding the surah for love marriage can be especially helpful for those facing obstacles in getting married.

What is the Significance of Surah For Love?

Some people read the powerful surah for love to get help bringing love back into their lives. It is the best surah for love to come back. This halal prayer from the Quran is for those who have been separated from the person they love.

The holy Quran contains the powerful surah for love back into one’s life. It is the best prayer for anyone who wants to rekindle love. Below is the stepwise process to perform the surah for love to return.

How to Perform Best Surah For Love From Quran

  1. The surah for bringing back love should be performed after the Duhr prayer.
  2. Complete the Duhr namaz after performing ablution.
  3. Immediately after the prayer, recite the 53rd verse of Surah Yasin eleven times.
  4. Recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah to bless you with love once again.
  6. Perform this ritual for a week. Insha Allah, it will help you.

Do you know that you can perform the dua for someone you love to get the person you want in your life.

surah in quran about love

What is Best Surah in Quran About Love?

If you want your crush to reciprocate your feelings, the surah to create love in someone’s heart can be very helpful. This Surah for love from Quran is especially beneficial for one-sided lovers. Here is the process to perform this surah:

  1. Recite the surah to create love in someone’s heart after the night prayer.
  2. Place a glass of water in front of your prayer mat.
  3. Recite surah Anfal ayat 63 for loveĀ  from the Holy Quran ten times.
  4. Chant the dua: ā€œShabak-Allah dhee ahbabtanee laahā€ 201 times.
  5. Think of the person you deeply love.
  6. Finally, pray to Allah to fulfill your wish of gaining the love of the person you adore.

Do not tell anyone about the surah in Quran about love you are performing for your relationship. Sharing it might prevent you from receiving its full benefits. If you have any doubts about this surah, do not hesitate to ask for help. You can contact our Maulvi Sahab for more information about surahs for love.

Significance of Surah Fil Wazifa For LoveĀ 

Surah Al-Fil, known as “The Elephant,” holds significance in the Quran for its depiction of Allah’s power and protection against adversaries.

Here are some points on the significance of Surah Al-Fil for love:

1. Just as Surah Al-Fil illustrates Allah’s protection against the army of the elephant, it can be recited to seek protection against obstacles and adversities in love.

2. The surah narrates how a seemingly insurmountable challenge was overcome with Allah’s help. This can inspire one to have faith that difficulties in love can also be surmounted through divine intervention.

3. Reciting Surah Al-Fil can strengthen one’s faith in Allah’s power and mercy, which is essential when praying for success in love.

4. By reciting this surah, one may feel a sense of invoking Allah’s help in resolving issues and finding harmony in their love life.

5. The surah signifies victory against great odds. Similarly, it can be recited with the hope of achieving success and victory in love, despite any challenges.

To use Surah Al-Fil for matters of love, one might integrate it into their regular prayers and make a sincere dua (supplication) for love and harmony, asking Allah to guide and support them in their relationship endeavors.

surah fil wazifa for love

How to perform Surah Al Fil Wazifa For Love Stepwise?

  1. It is recommended to perform this wazifa after the night prayer (Tahajjud), but it can also be done after any obligatory prayer if Tahajjud is not possible.
  2. Make a sincere intention (niyyah) in your heart for what you are seeking, which in this case is to create love in someone’s heart.
  3. Begin by reciting Durood Shareef (Salawat) eleven times.
  4. Recite Surah Al-Fil from the Holy Quran eleven times.
  5. After reciting Surah Al-Fil, chant the following wazifa 201 times: “Shabak-Allah dhee ahbabtanee laah.”
  6. While reciting the wazifa for love, keep the person you deeply love in your mind and heart.

tion and queries dial the number: +91-9855923779 to talk directly to our Islamic scholar.

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